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Berbakat Seperti Pamannya, Keponakan Ashraf Sinclair dan BCL Ternyata Punya Talenta Luar Biasa Ini

By Novita, Jumat, 28 Oktober 2022 | 10:24 WIB

Keponakan Ashraf Sinclair dan BCL ternyata miliki talenta yang luar biasa.

Unggahan adik ipar BCL itu pun menuai komentar dari banyak pihak.

Bahkan, BCL serta Khadijah Abdul Rahman atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Dida Sinclair turut bangga.

bclsinclair Ainaaaaa (emoticon love)

yasminhani oh Ainaaaaa, u r a winner already

haniff_hamzah Well done aina!!!!!

theidanerina Darling Aina… It’s not easy to get on stage in front of people- so mama is absolutely right. your bravery is a definite win!

dida_sinclair Nena is so proud of you Aina, y

therealashagill That’s the win Little One!! You pushed through the fear and you did it!! And what a DID you did!!!
